Energy Efficiency and Ecological Design
Embracing the Highest Level of Sustainability
When we built St Austell Business Park, sustainability was at the heart of the development. Every element of the Business Park embraces the highest level of environmental sustainability, including indoor and outdoor design using sustainable materials, grass topped roofs, energy efficiency and rainwater harvesting.
BREEAM “Excellent” Rating
Our main building is clad in cedar with an aluminium roof. By maximising natural ventilation and daylight as well as limiting heat loss through insulation, we cut energy consumption and utility bills, so both you and the environment can benefit.
As a result of our efforts, St Austell Business Park has an ‘Excellent’ BREEAM rating – the world’s leading sustainability assessment for buildings. Throughout the Business Park, we fuse efficiency, ecology and excellence to bring you office spaces that stand out.
Making the Most of the Local Landscape
Our aim has always been to design for life, and to enhance and enjoy the local landscape. We’ve taken every effort to protect the existing flora and fauna that surrounds our space, putting time, respect and consideration into preserving every aspect of nature and keeping our visual impact on the landscape to a minimum. Our stunning views, abundant plant life and communal courtyards don’t just make a good impression, they provide inspirational surroundings in which to do good business.
Not Just A Pretty Face
Our buildings don’t only look good. They’re also cleverly designed to minimise their environmental impact without compromising how you run your business. From car parks to pedestrian access, we consider our surroundings as our garden, and so we take special care to consider every aspect of them, ensuring our space enhances the landscape, rather than acting as a blight on it. We champion native plant species, blending them seamlessly with ornamental plants, to create an invigorating garden environment for your breaks and outdoor meetings.
With materials chosen to reflect the surrounding environment and breakout spaces, which smoothly transition from indoor to out, we’ve created a space that compliments the landscape without compromising it.
Transport Links
St Austell Business Park is also located to allow you to arrive here sustainably using a variety of methods of transport. We are a 5-minute drive from St Austell Train Station, have our own bus stop, you can walk here via the Clay Trails, EV charging is available on site and a fleet of Beryl Bikes is available just outside the main St Austell Printing Company building.
You can read more about the sustainability features of our building and Business Park on the St Austell Printing Company Sustainability Page.
Sustainable Office Credentials
- We use renewable energy sources: passive ventilation, solar water heating, rainwater recycling and natural lighting.
- All power for the business units is provided by a large solar-panel array on the roof of the building.
- Generous glazed screen frontage provides good quality levels of daylight and sunlight into the building reducing the need for artificial lighting.
- Low energy light fittings reduce energy demand.
- Movement sensitive lighting systems reduce power consumption.
- Offices naturally ventilated where possible.
- Grey water harvesting used to service low flush and dual flush toilets.
- High performance renewable aluminium double glazed window systems.

Sustainable Success
If you’re looking for a new home for your company, a place to establish your brand, one of our 1000 sq ft individual commercial units offer a unique opportunity to design your own space.

Landscape Design
Thriving parkland, native plant life and bright open garden spaces. Our commitment to encouraging and preserving nature makes St Austell Business Park a unique place to work.